minä kuljin läpi
helvetin minä kuljin
minä kuljin läpi helvettini
minä näin oman helvettini
lävitse minä näin
hymyileviä kasvoja minä näin
niin monia hymyileviä kasvoja
minä näin oman helvettini läpi
niin monia hymyileviä kasvoja
ja he niin monet ihmiset
kysyivät ihmiset kysyivät
niin monet ihmiset kysyivät
miksi olen niin surullinen miksi
miksi minä olen niin surullinen
ja minä näin heidän silmiinsä
ja minä näin heidän silmiinsä
ja koska minä näin heidän silmiinsä
ja koska minä kuljin läpi heidän
helvettinsä kuljin ja koska minä kuljin
näin heidän helvettinsä lävitse
ja koska minä ymmärsin
ja koska minä ymmärsin sen
ja koska minä tiesin miltä tuntuu
olla yksin miltä tuntuu olla
miltä tuntuu olla miltä tuntuu
miltä tuntuu olla yksin
miltä tuntuu kulkea helvettinsä läpi
miltä tuntuu kulkea yksin
oman helvettinsä läpi
ja yrittää yhä nähdä silmiin
ja nähdä vain toisen silmiin
joka on kulkenut oman helvettinsä läpi
ja minä kuljin minä kuljin
ja minä näin teiden läpi
ja minä näin miten tiet yhtyivät
miten tiet risteytyivät ja minä
kuljin sen lävitse minä kuljin
niin monen hymyilevän kasvon lävitse
minä kuljin
niin monen
niin monen
niin monen lävitse minä kuljin
niin monen oman helvettini läpi minä kuljin
enkä löytänyt poispääsyä minä en
minä en löytänyt en löytänyt
en yhtään ainoaa lohdullista hetkeä
minä en löytänyt ketään
minä en nähnyt ketään en tiennyt
en nähnyt kenenkään jäävän en kenenkään
en kenenkään nähnyt jäävän
en yhdenkään kutsuvan en yhdenkään
sunnuntai 16. lokakuuta 2016
and her face
and her face
and her face
the fists which keep
pounding on
her face keep pounding
on her face which
keep pounding
keep pounding
pounding on her face
on her face
keep pounding and pounding
on her face
and her face says
thank you dear
thank you father
her face keeps saying
thank you so much
so much thank you so much
and her face keeps
saying thank you dear
thank you for
thank you
thank you for this
and the fists keep
pounding on her face
and the fists keep pounding
and pounding
and pounding
and pounding
on her face which says
which keeps saying
thank you so much
and the fists keep
and pounding
and pounding on her face
and her face falls
off her 10 year old face
off her 10 year old face
keeps falling off
and the fists are pounding
on her face they are
pounding her 10 year old
face in her face in on her
face keeps saying thank you
so much my love
so much my
love so much
so much
much so much
and her face says
and her face
and her face says her face
says her face pounding
on her face keeps pounding
on her face keeps pounding
on her face keeps pounding
on her 10 year old face
so much thank you
keeps so much 10 years old
so much keeps facing so
much so much so much so much
her face keeps saying so much
her face keeps saying so much
she keeps saying so much so much
in my fists she keeps saying so
much she keeps my fists saying so
much she has my fists keeping
saying so much she keeps my fists
so much on her face she has my face
thank you she has my face thank you
she has my face thank you my hands
come to her face she says so much
love so much love so she keeps my hands
to her face she keeps my fists she has my love
to her face she has my love she has my face
to her love she has my face to her
she keeps my face she keeps my face so much
i say with her face i want so much love i keep
so much love i keep her face and her face
and her face and her face
and her face
and her face
the fists which keep
pounding on
her face keep pounding
on her face which
keep pounding
keep pounding
pounding on her face
on her face
keep pounding and pounding
on her face
and her face says
thank you dear
thank you father
her face keeps saying
thank you so much
so much thank you so much
and her face keeps
saying thank you dear
thank you for
thank you
thank you for this
and the fists keep
pounding on her face
and the fists keep pounding
and pounding
and pounding
and pounding
on her face which says
which keeps saying
thank you so much
and the fists keep
and pounding
and pounding on her face
and her face falls
off her 10 year old face
off her 10 year old face
keeps falling off
and the fists are pounding
on her face they are
pounding her 10 year old
face in her face in on her
face keeps saying thank you
so much my love
so much my
love so much
so much
much so much
and her face says
and her face
and her face says her face
says her face pounding
on her face keeps pounding
on her face keeps pounding
on her face keeps pounding
on her 10 year old face
so much thank you
keeps so much 10 years old
so much keeps facing so
much so much so much so much
her face keeps saying so much
her face keeps saying so much
she keeps saying so much so much
in my fists she keeps saying so
much she keeps my fists saying so
much she has my fists keeping
saying so much she keeps my fists
so much on her face she has my face
thank you she has my face thank you
she has my face thank you my hands
come to her face she says so much
love so much love so she keeps my hands
to her face she keeps my fists she has my love
to her face she has my love she has my face
to her love she has my face to her
she keeps my face she keeps my face so much
i say with her face i want so much love i keep
so much love i keep her face and her face
and her face and her face
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